Epithalon (10 x vials)


Epithalon (also known as Epitalon) is a synthetic peptide developed for its potential anti-aging properties. It has been studied for various health benefits, primarily due to its ability to activate telomerase, an enzyme that elongates telomeres and promotes cellular longevity. Here are some of the primary uses and benefits of Epithalon:

Uses and Benefits

  1. Anti-Aging and Longevity:

    • Telomerase Activation: Epithalon stimulates the production of telomerase, which helps maintain and elongate telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes. This process can delay the cellular aging process and extend the lifespan of cells​ (Muscle and Brawn)​​ (Seeds Scientific Research & Performance)​​ (Peptides.org)​.
    • Antioxidant Properties: It has been shown to have antioxidant effects, reducing oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals, which can prevent age-related damage and diseases​ (Peptides.org)​.
  2. Improved Sleep:

  3. Immune System Support:

    • Enhanced Immune Function: By regulating the function of T cells and stimulating the production of interferon-gamma, Epithalon can boost the immune system, making it more effective at fighting infections and diseases​ (Seeds Scientific Research & Performance)​​ (BodyRejuvenation)​.
  4. Potential Anti-Cancer Effects:

    • Tumor Suppression: Research indicates that Epithalon may help inhibit the growth of certain types of cancer cells, including those in breast and colorectal cancers, by promoting apoptosis (programmed cell death) and reducing tumor size​ (Seeds Scientific Research & Performance)​​ (Peptides.org)​.
  5. Neuroprotective Effects:

    • Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that Epithalon can improve cognitive function and potentially protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease by promoting neuronal health and reducing oxidative stress in the brain​ (BodyRejuvenation)​.

Dosage and Administration

  • Forms: Epithalon is available in injectable forms, which are considered more effective, and oral capsules. Injectable forms are typically administered subcutaneously​ (Sarms.io)​.
  • Dosage: Common dosages range from 5 to 10 mg per day, often administered in cycles (e.g., for 20 days followed by a break). The specific dosage and regimen depend on individual health status and treatment goals​ (BodyRejuvenation)​​ (Sarms.io)​.