Adipotide(FTPP) (10 x vials)


Adipotide, also known as FTPP (Fat-Targeted Proapoptotic Peptide), is an experimental peptide designed to target and eliminate fat cells. Its primary uses include:

Weight Loss and Obesity Management

Adipotide works by targeting the blood vessels that supply adipose (fat) tissue, causing the fat cells to undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death). This mechanism reduces the volume and mass of fat tissue, leading to significant weight loss. Studies in animal models, particularly rhesus monkeys, have shown an average weight loss of 11% and a reduction in fat deposits by 39% after treatment with Adipotide​ (sarmguide)​​ (World Of Peptides)​.

Improvement in Metabolic Health

Adipotide has shown potential in improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood glucose levels, which can be beneficial for individuals with metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes. This improvement in insulin regulation helps reduce cravings and the risk of developing diabetes​ (sarmguide)​​ (​.

Potential Cancer Treatment

Adipotide's ability to inhibit the growth of cells by cutting off their blood supply has led to interest in its potential use as a cancer treatment. This action is linked to its interaction with the prohibitin protein, which is involved in the blood vessels of fat and cancer cells​ (SupoPeptide)​​ (World Of Peptides)​.

Clinical Research and Safety

While the results from animal studies are promising, Adipotide is still in the experimental stage, and human clinical trials are ongoing. Known side effects include potential kidney toxicity, dehydration, and pain at the injection site. These side effects were generally mild and reversible upon discontinuation of the treatment​ (​​ (SupoPeptide)​.

Usage in Bodybuilding

Adipotide has attracted attention in the bodybuilding community for its ability to reduce body fat during the cutting phase without affecting muscle mass. However, its use outside of research settings is not recommended due to the lack of comprehensive safety data and regulatory approval​ (SupoPeptide)​​ (World Of Peptides)​.